Home / Equine Therapy or Therapeutic Riding Centers Near You / Texas / Firm Foundations – Wimberley, TX

Firm Foundations – Wimberley, TX

firm foundations In 2009, Lindsey Bussey and and Elisa Lumbers had a dream to help humans and horses alike. Lindsey, a mental health professional, and Elisa, a horse trainer and equine bodyworker, fulfilled that dream 5 years later in 2014 when they founded Firm Foundations Equine Services (FFES).


Firm Foundations Equine Services blends the practices of equine-assisted counseling and relationship-based horsemanship. The goal at FFES is to provide a safe place for anyone from youth to adult, individual and families - who may be struggling with trauma, grief/loss, adoption, parenting, relationships, and school.


As an alternative to traditional talk therapy, FFES offers Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) for children and youth. With the help of horses and the professional team at FFES, young people are able to express thoughts and feelings that otherwise would be inaccessible. The EAP sessions for children and youth incorporates nature, play, creative expression, sensory-motor strategies, and exploration.


While individuals can greatly benefit from equine-assisted therapy, so can family units. Firm Foundations is unique in their offering of family-focused sessions. These sessions are involve horses as well as qualified professionals to help overcome relational issues as well as improve communication and connection within the family.


FFES also offers Equine Assisted Learning at their facility. Firm Foundations recognizes that we are in an age of taking the easy way out, and caring for a horse takes work and effort both physically and mentally. In the equine assisted learning program, participants can enjoy a safe, fun & stimulating environment, learning skills to form both horse and human relationships.


firm foundations txAlthough their main focus is equine-assisted therapy, Firm Foundations also recognizes that this type of therapy is not for everyone. Since they are passionate about helping people in whatever way possible, they also offer office-based therapy for a more "traditional" therapy approach for children and youth.


Whether you are seeking help for your child, yourself, or your whole family - or simply searching to use horses to help grow your life skills; there is something for everyone at Firm Foundations Equine Services to help you in your journey.


How to Contact:


4205 Lone Man Mountain Rd
Wimberley, TX 78676
(512) 872-5839


Schedule Video Call with Double D Trailers
7719 Market St., Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, 28404

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