Home / Equine Therapy or Therapeutic Riding Centers Near You / Pennsylvania / Ivy Hill Therapeutic Equestrian Center – Perkasie, PA

Ivy Hill Therapeutic Equestrian Center – Perkasie, PA

ivy hillWhen conventional therapy failed to help Regine and Lee Greaser’s autistic foster son Michael succeed at school or at home, they realized that they needed to try something else. Regine came from a German nursing background, and knew about the long history and effectiveness of equine therapy. Together with her husband, Regine, they founded Ivy Hill with the goal to help their son and others like him.


Since it was established in 1999, Ivy Hill has helped families and individuals with special needs through equine therapy, in addition to providing financial and emotional support to families and caregivers. Ivy Hill has touched the lives of over 500 families and individuals and continues to do so today.


Regine passed away in 2013 after battling cancer. Although she never got to see the wide impact Ivy Hill would have on hundreds of families and the community as a whole, Regine’s husband, Lee, explained the accomplishment he felt. After touring the new facility, he said, “this is what we envisioned 16 years ago, but never dreamed it could happen. This is everything we could have hoped for.”


Ivy Hill offers both therapeutic riding and equine facilitated learning lessons. All the lessons are geared toward the individual. When someone begins riding with Ivy Hill, they meet and talk about the individual’s needs and together set three or four goals. This goal focused approach allows riders to progress quickly, have a vision, and feel a great sense of accomplishment in every lesson.


One of Ivy Hills many success stories centers around a family of six. Two sets of twins, Alex and Aaron, and Abigail and Aleena, were each born with multiple disabilities. Their parents share that Ivy Hill has played a large part in all of their lives for over five years.


The Ivy Hill team tailored special programs to meet each of the child’s specific needs. Each child has progressed tremendously, building strength, confidence, and a sense of belonging.


Their parents share that “they have a place to go where they are not judged on their abilities or made to feel different. They come home so proud of what they did or something new they tried with their horse and instructor.”


The family feel at Ivy Hill makes it a special place, where parents find joy in the small successes of their children and are able to see the bright future ahead as they continue to grow and progress alongside their four-legged angels.


Visit the website below to learn more about Ivy Hills programs and volunteering opportunities.


How to Contact This Farm:




1811 Mill Road


Perkasie, PA 18944


(215) 822-2515




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7719 Market St., Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, 28404

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