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Outrageous Custom Horse Trailers: Hall of Fame Designs

Last updated August 23, 2024 by Brad Heath

We have a lot more fun than most other trailer manufacturers…

Why? Since we specialize in custom horse trailers, “boring” is never a word that enters our vocabulary.  Each trailer that rolls out of our factory has been specially tailored to fit exactly what our clients want and need.

Over the years, this has resulted in some pretty unique… dare we say “outrageous” horse trailers.  They come in every shape and color you can imagine.  Even some -- where the exterior looks normal -- have interiors packed with unusual features to fit each buyer’s deepest desires.

So… enjoy this look at our Double D Trailers Hall of Fame!

These are some of our favorite horse trailer designs over the years.  And don’t forget, we are building new trailers every day, so new trailers (possibly yours?) could be added to this hallowed list.

Paint Jobs to Make Your Eyes POP!

When your rig pulls onto the fairgrounds, the first thing others will notice is the outside paint job on your trailer.  Some of our clients use this as an opportunity to advertise their farm with a sharply painted logo.

Others will take great pains to match their trailer to their truck.  This Gold Coast Mobile vet trailer looks fantastic next to its custom painted tow vehicle.  The inside of the trailer was also specially designed to work perfectly for this vet service on-the-go.

We even had one client request that his gooseneck horse trailer be painted viper red to match his helicopter!

No matter what color makes your heart sing, we can match your trailer’s paint.  Over the years, this has resulted in all the colors of the rainbow…

We had one client opt for a sleek all-black look and then another who wanted a sharp looking black with yellow trim.

In the bottom example, they wanted the white stripe on their trailer to line up perfectly with the white stripe on their truck.  (It’s too bad we don’t have a pic of the final combination, because it was glorious…)

Then, we certainly can’t forget this trailer that is Pretty in Pink!

But Isn’t It the INSIDE That Truly Counts?

Absolutely!  Colorful exteriors are fun, but it’s the inside of a Double D Trailer where we really shine.  Here you’ll find all of the top-rated convenience and safety features that set our trailers apart.

This luxury living quarters trailer has all of the top fittings we could pack into a trailer.  It includes a slide-out dinette, custom built hardwood cabinets, a fully operational kitchen

… a bathroom with a black porcelain toilet, sink with a vanity, and spacious corner shower stall…

… and a side-loading ramp so her horses could easily walk on-board into their rear-facing stalls.  This reverse load trailer is one of our most popular designs because it results in less stress for your horse.

This special 4 horse trailer for a client in Australia is surely one for the books.  Four small ponies -- with four small riders to match -- needed a ride to the horse shows.  What’s the solution?  A pony trailer with bunk beds of course!

This “bunk bed trailer” featured four side-by-side stalls with manger storage.  This way, each ride had their own individual tack locker to store equipment. The living quarters of this trailer had enough sleeping space for each of the young riders and their parents.

Hauling Something Huge… and It’s Not a Horse!

Sometimes our clients come to us asking for specially designed trailers that will go above and beyond.  Yes, they want us to create a safe and comfortable spot for their horses.  But they also want us to help them haul their horse cart…

… ATV or four-wheeler

... canoe…

… and even marching band equipment!

One particularly fun trailer to design was built for a man named Tom in Arkansas.  Tom is an avid chuck wagon driver.  If you’re not familiar with the sport, chuck wagon racing is wild and exciting.

Tom needed a way to transport both his horses and his racing wagon to competitions. Take note of the fancy ceiling detail in these photos.

Sometimes we’ll even go completely outside the box and build a trailer without any space for horses.  Crazy, we know!

These logging trailers were perfect for one person who needed a sleeping space while working deep in the woods alongside a logging path.

Brad Heath, owner of Double D Trailers shared, “Campers are built as cheap as possible and aren't designed to go through the woods down a logging path… so the logging companies really liked this concept.”

We’ve also built a line of cargo trailers used to haul heavy equipment.  Brad continued, “A company in Kinston, NC uses cargo trailers to haul heavy equipment to Food Lion grocery stores for floor replacement. Every trailer they tried ended up breaking from overloading -- so they reached out to us and we built several which they are still using today.”

And finally, let us share some pics of our motorcycle trailers.  Once again, our clients wanted to carry their bikes in style.

The front of the trailer has specially designed living quarters – while the cargo compartment is designed to carry and protect prized motorcycles.

Is a Custom Horse Trailer Right For You?

Now, you may be wondering if a custom horse trailer would work for your horses and your budget.  Remember, horse trailers these days are built to last for 25-30 years.  So, it’s worth it to take your time and design a trailer that fits EXACTLY what you want for the long haul.

Brad explained, “Stock models from other manufacturers have to basically “guess” at what you’ll need or want in your trailer.  Depending on your needs, you may find a trailer that is close to what you want, but not perfect.”

If you design a trailer with Double D Trailers, you’ll get the exact features you want without any features you don’t need.  Plus, the custom look and feel will make you feel like a rock star!

If you have any questions about any of our custom trailer designs, contact our team here.

> Just as you might customize your horse trailer, consider the customization options available for horse barns. See how you can design a barn tailored to your horse's needs.


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7719 Market St., Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, 28404

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