Home / Equine Therapy or Therapeutic Riding Centers Near You / Wisconsin / Stable Hands Equine Therapy Center – Wausau, Wisconsin

Stable Hands Equine Therapy Center – Wausau, Wisconsin

stable-handsAngie has been with the Stable Hands program since she was four years old. When she started at the therapy center, she needed her side walkers to support her and she could hardly sit up on her own. After just a few weeks of riding, her balance improved tremendously. And as the weeks went by, Angie kept progressing and enjoying every moment on the horse.


Every week she was able to progress and accomplish something new. She is now 21 and continues riding with a horse named Abby. “Your horse becomes one of your best friends,” says Angie. And at Stable Hands, it’s not just the horses who become your best friends. “I have met so many people that have touched my life in a special way,” says Angie.


Diana Abitz, Executive Director of Stable Hands, says that “volunteers are an essential part of our organization.” They encourage the riders and help them feel safe and confident on the horse. They become part of the rider’s lives and find happiness and purpose in their progress and success. They touch lives like Angie’s.


The riding programs at Stable Hands Equine Therapy Center work to build not only friendships, but confidence and riding skills as well. There’s even a special graduation ceremony on the last day of class. Volunteers, staff, parents and friends gather in the arena around the rider and their horse and the rider is presented with a medal or trophy. Cheers, laughter, huge smiles, and sometimes even tears fill the arena as everyone rejoices in the accomplishment.


Stable Hands started in 1992 and since then has touched many lives in the central Wisconsin area. Stable Hands offers Therapeutic Riding classes for students as young as four years old to adults as well. There’s also an Equine Therapy for Veterans program. In this program, veterans of all ages and backgrounds are guided through equine therapy activities provided by PATH Intl, assuring them the best possible experience.


They also have a program called V.A.S.T. - Veterans Assisted Sports Training. The goal of this program is to form a community of veterans so that the volunteers in the program can be veterans helping other veterans. Not only will they benefit from the emotional growth and healing that comes from equine therapy, they will also benefit from forming part of a growing community of fellow veterans. This active program will strengthen the whole community and promote healing and understanding.


During their 27 years of operation in the central Wisconsin area, Stable Hands has been able to touch many lives and help people from all different backgrounds. Go to their website below to learn more about their programs and support the organization.


How to Contact This Farm:


10710 Evergreen Drive
Wausau, WI 54401
(715) 359-6046




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